
Islam, Arabic and Us

The Quran was revealed to the Prophet in his mother tongue, a language in which he spoke and thought, a language of that land, a language which the people surrounding him would understand and relate to. During the time of Prophet Muhammad's Preaching of the Last and Final of the divine religions, people of Arabia often asked him regarding the choice of language for Gods religion, to which Allah answered in the following verses. “And thus: We have revealed to you a Quran in Arabic so that you may warn the Foremost of all towns and those who dwell around it, and may warn of the Day of Gathering, which is beyond all doubt. One group will be in the Garden, and one group will be in the Flames.” (Quran 42:7) “Now if We had made it a Quran in a non-Arabic tongue they would surely have said, “Why is it that its verses have not been made clear? Why – a foreign tongue and an Arab?” Say, “For those who accept it, this is a Guidance and medicine for a wholesome life. But as for those who will

Islam and the Subcontinent

The people of subcontinent take great pride in being muslims and have great reverence towards the Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him and his family. Sub continent muslims exhibit their love for their religion by following islamic practices with massive zeal and zest. Unfortunately though, all the religion practiced by subcontinent muslims is superficial and lacks the soul that was the desired outcome of those practices. As Muslims, Men are required to visit the mosque 5 times a day where they are to listen to the Manual of life in their prayers and the repeated listening of that manual over and over is supposed to inculcate the teachings and that code of life in their daily lives in all their actions and interactions with each other, but unfortunately, the prayers in our mosques are in Arabic, which 99% of the subcontinent muslims donot understand. So whats left of the 5 daily prayers is just a shadow of what it was intended to be. Whats left is just a mere practice without its essenc

The Political Genius – Asif Ali Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari the Mard-e-Hurr was incarcerated in 1996 for the first time. A day before President Farooq Leghari dismissed Benazir Bhutto's government on corruption charges, Asif Zardari was arrested and sent to prison. Contrary to the popular belief regarding his corruption and conduct as a public office holder, the justice system in the country could not prosecute him successfully. Nevertheless, by the time he came out in 2004, he had already become an icon of resistance for political workers in the country. Zardari's character has been continuously attacked and the allegations leveled against him were unspeakable. On one hand, he was continuously under fire from his opposition, be it civil or military, yet he continued with sheer commitment towards his party’s goal. Without discussing the merits and demerits of the charges against him, one can not deny the fact that he is the most powerful negotiator and the most refined politician in the country. Zardari’s brilliance h

Khan and the Macro Social Virus

  A virus can devastate and paralyze the entire society, and during the past few years, we all have witnessed the wrath it can incur. Virology is the study of viruses, and we can classify them into different categories. The virus which infects the human immune system is generally known as a “microscopic virus”. Another type of virus that affects the nonliving segment of our ecosystem is called “macro virus”. Such viruses infect a computer system and corrupt software. Since they are written in the same language as the application, the system often fails to identify them. Further classification of viruses will reveal that they can be verbal, emotional, mental, and they can be classified into macro-social viruses. Pakistani society had always been infected, however, the current leadership has annihilated the idea of co-existence in the country. According to our youth, if you do not agree with their beliefs, and point of view you are an enemy of the state, who should be exiled or punished

Social Media Exploitation & Women of Pakistan

  Let’s start with paying heartfelt gratitude, respect, and honor to all the women in this country. Mothers who have raised all of us, sisters who taught us what endless love is, daughters who complete every family, wives who bring harmony in every household, and then all-female relatives and friends. The pain you are going through right now is understandable, however, the confusion among your ranks is extremely disturbing. Disorientation in your game plan and your herd mentality is adding fuel to fire. Recent events in our society have triggered a debate, where frustration and anger can be seen in every other hashtag or Instagram post. Prevailing hatred and negativity have overshadowed all relationships, and now the gap between the genders has widened even further. Analyzing the situation we can find multiple layered confusion, irrational sweeping statements, and no solid argument to back it up with. Social media exploitation, hashtags such as #NOTALLMEN # ROTICANWAIT #BREAKALEG and m

Noor Mukaddam - Another Victim of Social Division

  Not long ago, a 10-year-old girl “Farishtey” was raped and murdered in the suburbs of Islamabad. People were deeply affected by the incident, and a major part of the society contributed to the protests supporting the cause. Similarly, a few years ago, people responded to the lynching incident in Sialkot, and the story goes on. Every time something brutal, or inhuman happened in Pakistan, the society came out, not together, in different groups. As a result, the majority of the protestors even today, would not know what happened in all those cases afterward. Fighting for any issue is just like a war. Scattered warriors with different directions would never bring you good results. The social division in our country is so wide and deep-rooted, that it affects everything around us. Our narratives are usually not related to the cause itself; they are targeted at our agendas. During the course of the fight, we often forget the triggering point and take the struggle to a different battlegr

Frida Kahlo in 2021

  Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón famously known as Frida Kahlo was six years old when she contracted polio. Guillermo Kahlo, her father was diagnosed with epilepsy, after which he migrated to Mexico, where Frida was born. Matilde Calderón y González her mother had depression, and she was cruel and religiously fanatic. The mother and daughter had a bitter relationship, and the household atmosphere was awful. Twisting the knife, her fate presented her with a bus accident, resulting in 15 bone fractures at different places including her backbone, while she was only eighteen. 2020 brought the biggest challenge for everyone alive today. Family members parted ways, friendships ended, and millions of loved ones became memories on the walls. Nevertheless, societies transformed, as humanity fought with an invisible enemy. As members of the global community, we learned many lessons, and trading off your freedom for the greater good is perhaps the most important one. However, the found