Khan and the Macro Social Virus


A virus can devastate and paralyze the entire society, and during the past few years, we all have witnessed the wrath it can incur. Virology is the study of viruses, and we can classify them into different categories. The virus which infects the human immune system is generally known as a “microscopic virus”. Another type of virus that affects the nonliving segment of our ecosystem is called “macro virus”. Such viruses infect a computer system and corrupt software. Since they are written in the same language as the application, the system often fails to identify them.

Further classification of viruses will reveal that they can be verbal, emotional, mental, and they can be classified into macro-social viruses. Pakistani society had always been infected, however, the current leadership has annihilated the idea of co-existence in the country. According to our youth, if you do not agree with their beliefs, and point of view you are an enemy of the state, who should be exiled or punished to extinction. The famous rhetoric of Patwaris, which Imran Khan himself started against the voters of an opposing party was the first jab to the chin.

Democracies only flourish when different ideologies co-exist accepting each other, rather than trying to put an end to each other. Foul language and character assassination out of the court have become a matter of entertainment for the general public. People seem to be happy calling their opponents names, hurling allegations, and making indecent Twitter trends. The premier is often seeing ridiculing the opposition leaders destroying the moral thread of the society without any shame, that too on national television.

Youth of the country is becoming aggressive towards difference of opinion. Religious extremism has already been lynching bodies and cutting off heads. People have learned the art of persecution through media trials. Guilty and criminals should be charged and tried by the criminal justice system, and innocent until proven guilty should still be applicable. The amount of hatred we are injecting into young innocent minds will eventually explode like weapons of mass destruction. Continuation of such tyranny will ensure the elimination of the society, and only a clan of like-minded will survive.


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